So last night I went to in n out, and honestly, in the past; this type of sh*t, would be immediatly dismissed...
My roomate from a few years ago would love burgers like this, with no bun, carb conscious clown, and grub it in two-bites no joke.... the two-bite clown...
I saw it a bunch in reference to the IN-Secret-Menu site and had to go through...
I ordered a flying dutchman animal. so mustard grilled.. the order taker at the crowded 8pm LAX innout ran back to my car to see if i wanted pickles... why not?
After a long class and a 20 minute wait in the out of innout i had a dutchman in possession within an animal fries carton... yeeeee...
It was alrite, 8of10 it u think a dubdub is a 10, bare flavor for a carboholic, or a dog, which it was targeted for in the 60s.... Thro in some special sauce and fries, utilize a fork... Holla if ya hear meeeeeee....
throw in a choco shake, some fries, and some secret sauce.....and baby, you got a stew goin!